
Duties and Responsibilities of Officers Keep

Rule VIII on guard duty arrangements and principles to be considered are:

  • orders should lead to the attention of the companies, the Master, Chief Engineer and the whole duty officer on the requirements, principles and guidelines contained in the STCW code that must be observed in order to ensure a continuous guard duty, according to the situation -situasi and existing conditions will be maintained at all times in all vessels under sail.
  • Commands must ask the Master each vessel to ensure that safe guard duty arrangements taking into account the circumstances that exist, and that under the general direction of the Master then:
  • Officers in charge of the navigational watch duties are responsible for the safe navigation during the period of his duties, when the officers concerned guard being should be on the bridge or in a location that is in direct contact, for example dikamar map or space bridge control room.
  • Radio operators are responsible for maintaining a continuous guard duty at the appropriate frequencies during periods of duty.
  • Officers who are responsible in the engine guard duty, as in reiterate the STCWdan code under the direction of the chief engineer, must be in place and within reach to handle the room -Room machine, and if necessary have to be in the engine room during the period of the period of responsibility.
  • A guard duty adequate and effective for the purpose of security is maintained at all times, when the ship docked and if the ship concerned carrying dangerous cargo, then arrangements must guard duty full account of the nature, quality, packaging and storage muatanberbahaya concerned and also must take into account fully any particular conditions prevailing on board and ashore.
In chapter VIII STCW 1995 section A-VIII / 1, the ability to charge:

  • All persons appointed to carry out duties as officers were conducting a bawahanyang guard duties or as part of a guard duty, should be given time at least istirshat 10jam each period of 24 hours.
  •   Hours watch this break may only be 2 dibagipaling lot of rest periods, one of which at least less than 6 hours.
  • Clock Hour break is described in paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 above, does not have to be followed if it is in an emergency situation or a situation exercise, or occurs conditions urgent operational.
  • At least 6 hours in a row, as long as this kind of reduction of no more than 2 days, and at least there should be 70jam breaks during the period of 7 days.
  •   Governance Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 above, but a minimum of 10 hours of the method can be reduced to the question must set the schedule guard stationed at places easily seen.

In chapter VIII STCW 1995 section B VIII / 1 Guidelines relating to the ability duty and prevention of fatigue:

  • In considering the requirements of the requirements for a period of rest '' an urgent action '' should only ship jobs that can not be delayed delay, for safety or environmental reasons or because of work reasons that can not be anticipated at the beginning of the cruise.
  • Although for '' kelelahan''tidak no uniform definition but everyone involved in the operator of the ship must always be alert to factors that may cause fatigue, including (but not limited to) the factor-factor mentioned by the organization, which should be considered when making decisions related to the operator of the ship.


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