danger of collision
According capt, Agus Hadi Purwantomo (2004: 3), the collision is an emergency situation caused by the collision of the ship by ship, ship to dock, boat or other floating object with which can endanger human life, property and the environment
The main causes of the emergence of a state of emergency on board, namely:
Human error
Errors equipment
Error procedure
Violation of the rules
External action
The will of god, almighty
The main steps are in dealing with emergencies that occur on board are:
Data Collection
In the face of emergencies known faithful always decided what to do to overcome the event it is necessary to state the extent to which data can endanger human darurattersebut (gob), the ship and its environment as well as how to handle adapted to available infrastructure.
Steps of data collection include:
1. The level of damage to the ship
2. Disturbance of ship safety (stability)
3. Human Safety
4. Conditions charge
5. Effect of damage to the environment
6. The possibility of harm to the dock or another boat.
Facilities and infrastructure that will be used according to the state of emergency which dialamidengan attention to the ability of ships and men to escape from a state of emergency until normal conditions return. Officers or crew involved in the operation to overcome this emergency seharusnyamampu to cooperate with the other party when where necessary (dock, another boat / team SAR).
Overall equipment used in an emergency are:
1. Breathing Apparatus - Alarm 2. Fireman Out Fit - Stretcher 3. Communication Tool and others adapted to the emergency.
Mechanism of action
Each vessel must have teams in charge of planning and pengeterapandalam emergencies. Emergencies should include all aspects of the actions that should be taken during emergencies and discussed with the port authorities, fire department, the state apparatus and other agencies related to the direction of power, preparation procedures and responsibilities, organization, system, communication, control center, inventory and location details.
Therefore, in order to avoid the danger of collision must comply with the applicable procedures guard duty on board in performing guard duty, so that the guard service activities can be well fit the ahirnya not expected to cause harm to the company.
Things - things that should be done by the officer of the watch, especially in relation to the prevention of harm tubruka are:
Mengusai and use of international regulations for preventing collisions at sea (colreg 1972)
Bertangun responsible for implementing the rules keep in colreg 1972 (rule 2)
Implement observations around the ship (look out ship) decent (rule 5)
Running the ship safely (rule 6)
Anticipate and detect any danger of collision and take appropriate measures to avoid the danger of collision.
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