method of determining the position of the vessel
The position is where the boat is at a time that is expressed in latitude and longitude or bearing and distance from a reference point is calculated based on the methods of making position.
Positioning methods include:
a. Visual.
b. Astronomy.
c. Electronics.
a. Ensure the safety of the canal.
b. Determine the elements hydrometeo (wind and currents).
c. Determining calculation sea traffic.
Positioning with Visual method.
a. Basic provisions.
1) Ensure that all navigation equipment has been verified.
2) Are you sure publications that will be used.
3) That the work that aids in the map provided complete and qualified.
4) Make sure the truth of objects bearing used.
5) Use the objects that intersect baringannya line 30o s / d 60 °.
6) Try taking nap objects on the same side and the same repeator and starting from the closest to Tikas head.
7) Namely that the organization of work on the bridge trained well.
8) Record the time at which the last nap decision except upon anchoring, the timekeeper was held on the first nap.
9) In measuring the distance using upright edge map.
ways that can be used:
1) bearing a cross.
2) sliding bearing.
3) bearing and distance from the radar
4) With peruman.
5) With the bearing and the boundary circle of light flare.
6) bearing.
Positioning With Methode Astronomy.
a. Basic provisions.
1) Ensure that all navigation equipment has been verified.
2) Ensure that the publication will be used.
3) Make sure the truth of celestial objects to be measured.
4) Measure the height celestial body on the east side.
5) Try to tow a celestial body between 20o s / d 60 °.
6) Select at least 5 celestial bodies, kerakan least 3.
7) Sky bkabut carry out measurements of the lowest place, bright sky measurements in place of the most high.
8) Consider the correction sextant.
9) The use of colored glass at the time of measurement of the sun.
b. Some of the ways that can be used.
1) Haverkamp / Marq St. Hilaire.
a) The books and equipment required.
(1) List Sailing Science I.
(2) Almanac Nautik.
(3) Map of stars or booth globe.
(4) Sextant.
(5) Stop watch.
(6) chronometer.
Electronic positioning method.
a. Basic provisions.
1) Ensure that all navigation equipment has been verified.
2) Ensure that the publication will be used.
3) Understand the real aircraft operating procedures.
4) Voltage should setabil.
5) Note the deviation radio.
6) Assure propagation corrections have been included (especially omega plane).
b. Some of the ways that can be used.
1) bearing the radio.
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