Implementation Hours Rest in Ships
The hours of rest on the ship during the writer doing research, have experienced various problems that can lead to many new issues that arise.
From the author's experience, the authors found the existence of an application that is not in accordance with international regulations Chapter VIII of the STCW 1995 section A-VIII / 1, Suppose at 02:30 hours a propagator III has completed its work on the bridge at 20.00 hours until 24.00 and when it is time break for him, but when the ship is conducting maneuver to dock anchor in the third pelabuhan.Mualim must follow if the activity is due to ship motion in urgent operational conditions. Mualim III when it happened to lead '' Team Haluan''didalam prepare preparing to anchor the ship berthing plan. Things should realize by each team member onboard who was doing THAT maneuver
their participation is necessary for the smooth and successful operations each on board. Each -tiap teams that participate in sports activities motion must be loyal to his job. they have to get used to the activities on board very draining their attention and energy. And ready to face this kind of operational activities anytime and anywhere on the ship.
The hours of rest on board has also been set up by the first deck officer, and this is going kesimpangsuiuran to the application of Office Procedures Keep prearranged in the STCW'95.
Looking at the above arrangement hour recess, the authors obtain the existence of an application that is not in accordance with the rules peratutan in STCW'95 about an hour break for the crew who had been carrying out diinas guard on board. From the observation of the writer, mlihat recess arrangement above, that the breaks were experienced Mualim II and Team after him on watch late night hours, after which they only gets a 3 hour break and then they work for a daily morning from 07:30 until 11:00 hours when when it is prone supervision hours late start at 00.00 until 04.00 which is attention and supervision for officers after him then.
Thus, a break which has been applied by the first deck officer as listed above is not in accordance with the rules set out in Chapter VIII of the STCW 1995 section A-VIII / 1, the pilot I was not looking at that hour break workers are suitable 10jam every day. From the above list the length of rest periods less than 10jam each day. And that's from the 10jam divided 2 salh rest periods should cover only 6 hours of rest. Judging from the composition of the case which has been applied by the first deck officer, the most striking thing about the deviation from the procedure in case a long time and the rest is rest for Mualim II and squads after him. The total breaks received by the propagator II and squads after him only to get 8 hours 15 minutes. Even then, two rest periods, one of which is not enough of 6 hours. Though STCW'95 have set hours of rest during 10jam vessel with the division of one period of not less than 6 hours. It inilahyang complaints by the propagator II and team members mendampinginya.mereka guard who was very hurt by the recess arrangement.
It is not in accordance with Chapter VIII of the STCW 1995 section A-VIII / 1, which occurred on board, their allocation of time off for activities of daily work on the vessel, for example propagator II and Team after him, they have served as a navigational watch officer at 00:00 to 04:00 (watch late at night), after which they only gain time 2,5jam saja.mereka must immediately get up at 7:00 to immediately implement breakfast and then have to follow the daily work on the deck. At that moment appeared ketidakadialan perceived division breaks petuga watch the late night. They lack ernyata hour break can cause significant physical fatigue. Proven timulnya a declining productivity of the workers so that the vessel becomes less good job and have an impact on ship operations.
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